Monday, July 13, 2009


Madison had her 6 month post surgery check up today. I have been a nervous wreck for days about this. Even though she is doing so well, I still get nervous! You never know what is going on inside her little body. So we got there and the echo technician gave her her echo first and she did perfect! Except at the end when they have to get this weird view from the neck. She talked and cooed to him the whole time until he touched her neck and then she really told him whats up!! Then the nurse took us to the other room and asked how she is doing and I said "Perfect!" So, she wrote that down and did the EKG twice because she messed up. Madi was perfect through both EKG's and her weight. (19 lbs, 13 oz., she lost a few oz. from being sick!). So then we waited for Dr. C (the most perfect wonderful doctor in the world!) to come in and she said...

#1- No parent at her office ever says that their child is doing "perfect" after open heart surgery. She is SO impressed that she is doing everything a 9 month old should do. She is very happy that Madison is perfect and has NO issues what so ever (because that is rare).

#2- If it wasn't for the slightly leaky valve, she would never know that she had a heart disease!

#3- She does not anticipate that Madison will EVER need another surgery ever again! (and since she can't say 100%...worse case scenario would be a valve replacement late in life in the cath lab)

#4- We do not have to come back for another echo for a year!

#5- She put Madison and her heart in the PERFECT category!!! (This is amazing to hear coming out of a cardiologist's mouth!)

So today has been a PERFECT day! I am so blessed to have such a perfect baby!

****Thank you so much to all my readers...I appreciate all your wonderful comments and your prayers! You are all PERFECT in my eyes! God Bless you all!****


Anonymous said...

Back at ya kiddo!
You KNOW how happy dad & I are with Madi's results......over the moon!!
Mom & Dad
Gramma TJC

Amanda (Trista's Mom) said...

YEAH! I am telling you - our little gals are just PERFECT!! So excited to hear your news too! :)

Trista's Mom

The Motrinc's said...

Praise God!